The Soil Layers Property plot show the damping ratio and the Shear modulus vs Shear strain for a selected soil property.
When the user first clicks on the soil properties Plot menu a pop up window appears so the user can select the soil property to be plotted. This window allow the user to choose and Soil property that has been defined in the model as well as creating a new soil property or modifying an existing property before plotting.
The new button will ask the user to specify a new soil property will pop up a window that will as the user to specify a new property name. Once the user clicks OK on the popup the name will be added to the property selection list in the top left corner of the window. If the user selects edit He can modify the name of the currently selected property while delete will remove the currently selected property from the list. Once a property is selected the user can modify the property data by changing the number in the table window at the bottom of the pop-up window
Selecting this menu option is the same as the SOILPROPPLOT command. Many of the 2D Plotting Commands will be able to modify the plot from the command line or allow the user to do batch image manipulation using a Prep File