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ACS-SASSI User Interface has the plotting same capability found Prep with a few new types of plots. All of the 3D plotting capability has been updated to use OpenGL 4.0 or higher. The user should expect looks and controls of some the plots have changed do to the OpenGL update.


Type Description
Elements Show the Model elements in a 3D Plot
Nodes Show the Model Nodes in a 3D Plot
Cut Show the contents of a cut on the 3D model
Spectrum Graph of a data in the spectrum file format (*.rs, *.tfu, *.tfi)
Time History Graph of a data in the time history file format (*.th, ,*.acc)
Soil Layers Graph of the soil layer cross section with layer info table
Soil Properties Graph of Soil Property information
Bubble Bubble data in a 3d animation on the model nodes
Vector Vector data in a 3d animation on the model nodes
Contour Contour of a data set animated on the 3d model
Deformed Shape Spatial Deformation animated on the model


plots.txt · Last modified: 2016/08/11 12:28 by phil