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Opening 2D Line Graphs

When a user wants to plot a Line graph (Time History or Spectrum)

The user can then load lines into SASSI User Interface memory from files or select lines currently in memory and plot those lines. To load lines into memory the user will need input a file name into the Input Line File section of the window by typing or browsing the file system. Once the user has a file selected the user must then enter the number of lines to be loaded from the file and the starting line reference number. The starting line number is used to keep track of lines in memory much like the model reference number is used to keep track of models. (Note: If the user wants to load multiple lines from a single file there is no way for the user to choose which columns to load. The user must load all of the line between the first line in the file and the last required line for the plot. All extra lines added will have a reference number incremented from the starting line number). (Note: Loading a line into a reference number that already has a line in it overwrites the line currently in memory) Once this information is entered the user can press the add lines button which will tell the user interface to read the file and store the lines in memory. At completion the user should see line information in the selection box at the top of the window.

Once the user has all of the lines for plotting the user can then select the lines by the box at the top of the screen and checking the line needed for plot. At this time the user can also modify the graph properties using the data entry below the line selection box. The user can modify these properties after the graph has been plotted by using the Plotting commands, or by using the Windows Settings menu option. The user has the ability to set the plot titles, change the graphs minimum and maximum extent in the X and Y axis, and set the axis to logarithmic scale or show minor ticks.

sassi/user_interface/opening_lines.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/26 13:37 by phil