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Analysis Options

The Analysis Options Menu Selection will bring up a window that allows the user to set options for the model that will be used by the modules for simulation. The window is broken up into tabs by module. Some of the windows share variables and if changed changed in one window the variable will change in all windows

Select Analysis from the Options submenu.

This command is used to set the analysis options for the active module. The Analysis Options dialog box contains the following Topics:

Tab Name Contents
EQUAKE Sets the options for the ACS SASSI EQUAKE module
SOIL Sets the options for the ACS SASSI SOIL module
SITE Sets the options for the ACS SASSI SITE module
POINT Sets the options for the ACS SASSI POINT module
HOUSE Sets the options for the ACS SASSI HOUSE module
ANALYS Sets the options for the ACS SASSI ANALYS module
FORCE Sets the options for the ACS SASSI FORCE module
MOTION Sets the options for the ACS SASSI MOTION module
STRESS Sets the options for the ACS SASSI STRESS module
RELDISP Sets the options for the ACS SASSI RELDISP module
NONLINEAR Sets the options for the ACS SASSI PANEL module
AFWRITE Sets the options for the AFWRITE and CHECK commands
sassi/user_interface/menu/analysis.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/16 12:03 by phil