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The WALLFLR command will take the current active model and delete all of the non shell elements in the model. Then the command will attempt to separate all of the shells into different wall and floors groups based on a coplanarity test of the shell elements. If 5 or more elements are found to be coplanar, then these elements will be put into a new group. All of the elements that were not put into wall or floor groups because there were not enough coplanar shells to form a new wall or floor will be found in group 1.

Each of the walls and floors will be labeled using the group title GTIT. The titles are based on if the group is the parallel to a dimension of the global coordinate system or if the wall is oblique of the global coordinate system.

Once this Command is complete the model is considered to be a panel model. The user may use this panel model for Non-Linear Modeling, or the user can further split the model using the PANELIZE command.

com/wallflr.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/10 15:58 by phil