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This command creates a list of node numbers that are shared by excavation and structural parts of the model. The nodes along the perimeter of the structure and excavation interface are then removed from this list. The command will then tell the user the total number of interior nodes that are shared by the structure and excavation. A list detailing the shared nodes will also be printed to the command history. The number of entries in the list is controlled by the Check Options break message number.

The structure and excavation of an embedded model should be connected (by springs or shared nodes) along the perimeter of excavation. The interior of the structure and excavation should be constructed with coincident nodes with distinct nodes numbers for the structure and excavation. Any node reported by this command may cause incorrect simulation results.

This command is for informational purposes and does not change the active model in any way.

com/excstrchk.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/10 10:18 by phil