This command will create an excavation volume model using the geometry of an existing model. The excavation model created from this command will be stored in the model number assigned in the <model> argument. This command is used in conjunction with the MERGESOIL command to join the excavation and structural models.
The command will use the elements at the lowest z-level as template a to create a homogeneous mesh model up to ground surface. If there is outcropping beneath ground surface that does not extend to the bottom z-level, the code will not generate excavation volume for these areas. The Ground Surface must be defined properly in the model used in the generation. The delta is a factor used to match slight variations in z-level used in some models for the same embedment level. Models that don't have uniform Z coordinates across the floor should use a delta > 0 so the command doesn't generate multiple levels for the small variations of Z.
The user can use a variable list to set Z levels as an alternative to allowing the User interface determine the Z levels automatically (User Interface 1.1.3 or later). The variable list must contain the only floating point numbers. The lowest Z level in the variable list must coincide with the lowest Z level of the models elements.