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Solid elements in ACS SASSI are considered to be structural or part of the excavation volume based on ETYPE. The type is implicitly defined by default (ETYPE = 0) when an element is added. Then during AFWRITE rules are used to determine if implicitly defined elements are structural or excavation *.hou file. However, when using WRITE the implicit ETYPE definitions are maintained in the *.pre file. The User Interface has commands that require explicitly defined types on elements to work correctly. Also, all elements that are not structural will be ignored by the ANSYS® interface. This command will either explicitly type elements using the afwrite rules, or changes the type of all the elements in the model.

  • type - The element type selector.
    • 0 - changing implicitly typed elements to explicitly typed elements
    • 1 - change all elements to structural
    • 2 - change all elements to soil
com/etypegen.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/20 11:25 by phil