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CTRVEC Command


Perform a Cartesian coordinate transformation on selected shell element stresses and print the results to ASCII format files. This command uses the current model and the binary stress database loaded by the LOADTHSDB command. The user will specify the elements by using cut commands such as CUTADD or CUTVOL. Any non SHELL or TSHELL elements in the cut will be ignored by this command. This command will only output transformed stresses to an output file the database in memory will be unchanged.

The user must define the direction of the X axis of the new system by using the xGlob, yGlob, and zGlob arguments.

The Dir argument specifies location for all files output by this command. The location specified can either be full path or relative to the current working directory.

The format of the file written when using the TIME flag is a table with the first column being the time step and the rest of the columns being the component values of the shell and every time step will occupy its own line. The data for every element requested will occupy its own file with the file name being Element(X)_(Y).nasf where X is the group number and Y is the element number. This flag will a file for every element requested.

The file format written when using the MAX flag is a table where the first 2 columns are the group and element number. The rest of the columns have the absolute component maximum for the binary stress database with the sign of the absolute max saved in the file. Each line of the file will be the component maximums for a single requested element. This flag will write one file for all elements requested with file name Cut(X)_Max.nasf where X is the cut number used in the command.

The file format written when using the STRAIN flag is a table where the first 2 columns are the group and element number and the third column is the time where the strain data on the line is calculated. Each element will have 2 different strain entries the first line are the strains when maximum E1 at the center and the the second is when E2 minimum at the center. This flag will write one file for all elements requested with file name Cut(X)_Strain.nasf where X is the cut number used in the command.

  • cutnum - Cut number that contains all of the selected elements for transformation.
  • xGlob - X component of the user defined global vector.
  • yGlob - Y component of the user defined global vector.
  • zGlob - Z component of the user defined global vector.
  • Dir - Directory for the output file(s)
  • flag - character string output flag for either the max or time history for all of the elements in the cut. The flag argument is not case sensitive
    • TIME - Create time histories for all elements (default).
    • MAX - Create table of component maximums
    • STRAIN - Create Strain table
com/ctrvec.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/20 09:42 by phil