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This command builds a mapping file between interaction nodes and coincidental structural nodes. The command finds all of the interaction nodes in the excavation model. Then the command will find the first coincidental structural node found in the structural model. If there is more than one coincidental structural node, the map will only find the first node based on the node number ordering. If there is no coincidental structural node is found, this means the models should not be paired and will cause an error.

The structural model is considered to be the current active model. The excavation model must have the interaction nodes defined before using this command. The interaction nodes should be defined as the set or a subset of interface without top (INTGEN,3) for a proper condensation.

The file written will have the file name “INT_NODES_IF” and will be found in the active model directory. Users should have defined the active model directory by using the MDL command. The first line of the file is number of interaction nodes in the model. Then each line subsequent line will have the interaction node and structural node separated by a space.

  • excav - excavation model number.
com/condmap.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/20 14:38 by phil