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Calculate the Stress history from a cross section using the database currently loaded into User Interface memory. This command has the functionality as CALCSECTHIST does for ASCII generate stress data.

The output of this command is a 7 column CSV ASCII table where the first column is either the simulation time or step number if ts is set to 0. The rest of the six columns are the stress components of the cross section. The final line of the file will have the word MAX in the first column. This line will contain the absolute maximum for each component in the table, but the sign of the stress will be maintained on this line.

Before using this command, The stress database for the calculation must be loaded into the User Interface. The associated model must be loaded into memory and set as the active model. The cut input by the user cutnum must be defined before using this command.

  • cutnum - cut number to be used for the section history analysis
  • px - x component of a point on the plane of the desired cross section
  • py - y component of a point on the plane of the desired cross section
  • pz - z component of a point on the plane of the desired cross section
  • nx - x component of the normal of the desired cross section plane
  • ny - y component of the normal of the desired cross section plane
  • nz - z component of the normal of the desired cross section plane
  • rx - x component of a vector defining the local systems positive X
  • ry - y component of a vector defining the local systems positive X
  • rz - z component of a vector defining the local systems positive X
  • sys - system number to store the local cut system
  • ts - time step of the stress
  • start - starting step included in the table (default = 1)
  • end - final step included in the table (default = last time step of the database)
  • Stride - number of time steps advanced between each calculation reported in the table (default = 1 )
  • outfile - full path name of the results of the stress history calculations
com/calcsecthistdb.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/14 12:06 (external edit)