Nr. of Fourier Components - Type the number of values to be used in the Fourier transform. The value is the same as set in the Analysis Options -
SITE dialog box.
Time Step of Control Motion - Type the time step of control motion (sec). The value is the same as set in the Analysis Options -
SITE dialog box .
Number of Values - Type the time number of acceleration values to be read from the time history file.
Multiplication Factor - Type the multiplication factor for scaling the time history. Use only if Max. Value for Time History is blank.
Max. Value for Time History (in g’s) - Type the maximum value of time history to be used. The values of the time history will be scaled to this value. Use only if Multiplication Factor is blank.
Acceleration of Gravity - This acceleration value is used for free-field or site response analysis using SOIL module. The acceleration of gravity value should be in ft/sec2 or in m/sec2, depending if the British System (BS) or International System (IS) is used. If BS is used, then the soil weight density should be input in lb/ft3, while if IS is used, then the soil weight density should be input in kN/m3. A change of this value does not affect the value used for SSI analysis in
SITE options.
Number of Header Lines - Type the number of header lines at the beginning of the acceleration time history file.
Cutoff Frequency - This frequency will be used to truncate the FFT spectra.
Control Point Layer - Type the layer number of the control point. The value is the same as set in the Analysis Options - SITE dialog box
Acceleration History File - Type the full path and name of the time history file. To view the time history file, use the Plot / Time History command.
Assign as Outcrop Motion - Select this option if you want to assign the input motion as outcrop motion.
Input Data - Select this button to define data for the liquefaction analysis (ACS SASSI LIQUEF module). (Not available)
Layer Number - Select the active layer number. All following options apply to this layer.
Property Number - Type the soil layer property number for the active layer(see MAIN manual)
Dynamic Soil Property - Select the dynamic soil property for the active layer.
Accelerations - Select acceleration output options for the active layer.
Response Spectrum - Select response spectrum output options for the active layer.
Stresses & Strains - Select stress and / or strain output options for the active layer.
Spectral Amplification Factor - Select spectral amplification factor output options for the active layer.
Fourier Spectrum - Select Fourier spectrum output options for the active layer.
Input for Nonlinear SSI Analysis - For the nonlinear near-field soil SSI analysis option, the user needs to click on the Liquefaction Analysis Input Data. Then, in the new opened file the user needs to input a value equal to zero (no liquefaction) on the first space in the file. Then, the user needs to save this file. This file has the extension .liq.
Nonlinear Time Domain - Select nonlinear soil option for use
Subincrements Per Timestep – Number of sub-increments between time step.
Displacement Convergence Error -
Force Convergence Error -
Equilibrium Iterations -
Bedrock interface -
Damping Type -
Mass Matrix Mult. -
Stiff Matrix Mult. -
Curve fit Hyperbolic Parameters -
Beta -
S exponent -
Reference Strain -
Viscosity -