Table of Contents

Non-linear Modeling

ACS SASSI has a process to simulate a model with non-linear materials.

Creating a Non-linear Model

Starting From a Linear Model

ACS-SASSI User Interface has commands to change a Linear model so it can be used in a non-linear analysis. The process is begins with creating 2 copies of the linear model in User Interface memory.


Creating a Nonlinear Panel Model
* General nonlinear model creation 

* Load a starting model and copy it to create a Panel Model
INP, Model1.pre,C:/Models/Demo/ *Starting model
* Move to copy of the model to create a panel model later
*delete the shell groups from this model
GDEL, ...

*create the panel model
* further refine the panels

*Recombine the model panels with the non-shell elements

Note(s) : General Nonlinear example command list or *.pre file. The first ellipsis is a list GDEL commands to remove the shell groups from the initial model. The second ellipsis will contain different commands to split and modify the shell groups depending on the model.