The User Interface was originally designed to take complex models and split those models for calculation purposes and possibly modify a small model section then recombine that section to the original model. The idea of combining two unrelated models was an easy logical step to make. The problem is that the user will almost always have to modify every line in one model for transfer data commands to work to combine unrelated models without overwriting data from one of the models. The Merge commands were added so the user does not have to modify models by hand so the models can be properly merged.
The general MERGE command will take 2 models already in memory and combine them together to make a third combine model. The combined model will not change any of the data from the first model while the second models data will be offset so it does not conflict with the first model. The merge command will also translate the second models nodes by a constant supplied by the user in the merge command. If the user needs to rotate one model in relation to another model the user should use the ROTATE Command one of the models in memory before the merge.
When using the ANSYS® Workbench™ to generate the model matrices for simulation the user need to have separate structual and excavation volume model. The user may need a SASSI model for use to visualize results of the simulations. This specialized MERGESOIL command will merge the excavation volume to the structural model. This Command will weld the external interface of the 2 models by the user option in the third argument of the command.
* Code to merge 2 models. * The merged model will be in model 3 Actm,1 Inp,Model1.pre Actm,2 Inp,Model2.pre Actm,3 Merge,1,2,0,0,0
Notes Example assumes both models are in the proper location to in reference to each other before the merge. User should adjust the model geometry before the merge if required.
* Code to merge an excavation to the structure. Actm,1 Inp,struct.pre etypegen,1 * Adjust Ground Elev. before merge Actm,2 Inp,Soil.pre * Adjust Ground Elev. before merge etypegen,2 Actm,3 MergeSoil,1,2,1,,,,mappingfile.txt
Notes: example uses INP to disambiguate which model is structural and which is excavation. It is important to set ground elevation before merge so the command can weld the models external interface nodes properly.