generates a set of node lists by copying a node pattern, where:
<itim> - total number of sets of nodes to be generated, not including the original pattern (default value: 1)
<step> - increment to be applied to generated node numbers. ( default = <n2>-<n1>+1 )
<n1> - Start node of the pattern to be copied (default = second to last node to be defined )
<n2> - End node of the pattern to be copied (default = last node to be defined)
<inc>- Increment for the pattern to be copied (default = 1)
<dx> - increments to be applied to the X node coordinates (default = 0)
<dy> - increments to be applied to the Y node coordinates (default = 0)
<dz> - increments to be applied to the Z node coordinates (default = 0)