N Commnad


defines node <nd> with coordinates <x>, <y>, <z> in the active coordinate system. (global or local) The default values for <x>, <y>, <z>, <pile>,<control node> are 0. See also CSYS, LOC, and LOCAL instructions for local coordinate systems. (Pile and Control Nodes are depreciated in this version of the SASSI User Interface)

Note: The node numbering is arbitrary. However, in order to minimize storage and block operations as well as to provide flexibility for restart analysis with a new superstructure and for the incoherence analysis option, it is required to number the nodes at or below ground surface first, layer by layer, starting from the bottom.

The z-coordinate must always be chosen vertical upward and the right-hand-rule must be used to set X and Y coordinates. For 1D and 2D analysis, the program ignores the y-coordinate of the nodal points.