E Command


defines the element number <ne> and element nodes <n1>, <n2> … <n8> (the total node number changes from one group type to another). An element group must be active; element numbers start with 1 for each element group.

Prisms and pyramids may be obtained by repeating node numbers.

 Figure .1. Node Numbering for SOLID elements

For SHELL, PLANE, or LOVEWAVE triangular elements, do not define node L. See GROUP for further information.

 Figure .2. Node Numbering for 2D elements

The nodes I, J, K, L must be in sequence in a counter-clockwise direction around the element. Local coordinates in a four-node SHELL, PLANE, or LOVEWAVE element are shown below:

Figure .3. Node numbering and loval coordinate system for SHELL, PLANE, or LOVEWAVE elements

Node K from the BEAMS elements is a geometry reference point which is used to define the local axes 1, 2, 3 of the beam element. Node K, which may be any other nodal point in the system, must not lie on the local axis 1:

Figure .4. Local coordinate system for BEAMS elements