====== Vector Plot ====== The vector plot animation show the user the direction of a force on each of the used nodes in the model. Each node will show 3 vectors on the plot. (**Note**: Unused nodes can fall into the following categories, nodes that aren't connected to elements, orientation nodes like K-nodes, or nodes on element that have been simplified after being converted from an outside program). The red vector is the data based on the x direction, green y direction and blue the z direction. If there is no imaginary component to the vector data each vectors direction will be in plane with its directional axis. If there is imaginary component with a vectors data the vector out of plane in an equivalent amount in the other 2 axis (if the x vector is 5+.3i x=5, y = z = .3) {{ SASSI:user_interface:Vector.png }} ===== Opening ===== * [[sassi:user_interface:Opening Animation]] ===== Controls ===== * [[SASSI:user_interface:3d Controls]] * [[SASSI:user_interface:Toolbars#Plot Toolbar]] * [[SASSI:user_interface:Process Animation Frame List]] * [[SASSI:user_interface:Menu:Windows Settings]] * [[SASSI:user_interface:Menu:Shader Options]] ===== Command ===== Selecting this menu option is the same as the [[com:VECTORPLOT]] command. Many of the 3D [[:Command Reference#Plot Commands|Plotting Commands]] will be able to modify the plot from the command line or allow the user to do batch image manipulation using a [[file:.pre| Prep File]]