====== Soil Layer Plot ====== This plot will show a graph that depicts the models layer information. The graph depicts a cross-section of the layers with the relative thickness as well as information about each layer depicted. This information is set by the [[com:L]] command and the [[com:TOPL]] command. The user can change the color of these layers by using the [[sassi:user_interface:menu:colors|Options>Colors]] Menu and changing the Soil Layers Palette. {{ SASSI:user_interface:Layer.png }} ===== Controls ===== * [[SASSI:user_interface:menu:Windows Settings]] ===== Command ===== Selecting this menu option is the same as the [[com:LAYERPLOT]] command. Many of the 2D [[:Command Reference#Plot Commands|Plotting Commands]] will be able to modify the plot from the command line or allow the user to do batch image manipulation using a [[file:.pre| Prep File]]