====== SOIL Module Analysis Options ====== {{ :sassi:submodeler:soilopt.png |}} * **Nr. of Fourier Components** - Type the number of values to be used in the Fourier transform. The value is the same as set in the Analysis Options - [[sassi:submodeler:options:SITE]] dialog box. * **Time Step of Control Motion** - Type the time step of control motion (sec). The value is the same as set in the Analysis Options - [[sassi:submodeler:options:SITE]] dialog box . * **Number of Values** - Type the time number of acceleration values to be read from the time history file. * **Multiplication Factor** - Type the multiplication factor for scaling the time history. Use only if Max. Value for Time History is blank. * **Max. Value for Time History** (in g’s) - Type the maximum value of time history to be used. The values of the time history will be scaled to this value. Use only if Multiplication Factor is blank. * **Acceleration of Gravity** - This acceleration value is used for free-field or site response analysis using SOIL module. The acceleration of gravity value should be in ft/sec2 or in m/sec2, depending if the British System %%(BS)%% or International System %%(IS)%% is used. If BS is used, then the soil weight density should be input in lb/ft3, while if IS is used, then the soil weight density should be input in kN/m3. A change of this value does not affect the value used for SSI analysis in [[sassi:submodeler:options:SITE]] options. * **Number of Header Lines** - Type the number of header lines at the beginning of the acceleration time history file. * **Cutoff Frequency** - This frequency will be used to truncate the FFT spectra. * **Control Point Layer** - Type the layer number of the control point. The value is the same as set in the Analysis Options - SITE dialog box * **Acceleration History File** - Type the full path and name of the time history file. To view the time history file, use the Plot / Time History command. * **Assign as Outcrop Motion** - Select this option if you want to assign the input motion as outcrop motion. * **Input Data** - Select this button to define data for the liquefaction analysis (ACS SASSI LIQUEF module). (Not available) * **Layer Number** - Select the active layer number. All following options apply to this layer. * **Property Number** - Type the soil layer property number for the active layer(see MAIN manual) * **Dynamic Soil Property** - Select the dynamic soil property for the active layer. * **Accelerations** - Select acceleration output options for the active layer. * **Response Spectrum** - Select response spectrum output options for the active layer. * **Stresses & Strains** - Select stress and / or strain output options for the active layer. * **Spectral Amplification Factor** - Select spectral amplification factor output options for the active layer. * **Fourier Spectrum** - Select Fourier spectrum output options for the active layer. * **Input for Nonlinear SSI Analysis** - For the nonlinear near-field soil SSI analysis option, the user needs to click on the Liquefaction Analysis Input Data. Then, in the new opened file the user needs to input a value equal to zero (no liquefaction) on the first space in the file. Then, the user needs to save this file. This file has the extension .liq. * **Nonlinear Time Domain** - Select nonlinear soil option for use * **Subincrements Per Timestep** – Number of sub-increments between time step. * **Displacement Convergence Error** - * **Force Convergence Error** - * **Equilibrium Iterations** - * **Bedrock interface** - * **Damping Type** - * **Mass Matrix Mult.** - * **Stiff Matrix Mult.** - * **Curve fit Hyperbolic Parameters** - * **Beta** - * **S exponent** - * **Reference Strain** - * **Viscosity** -