====== EQUAKE Module Options ====== Set the Analysis Options for the ACS SASSI EQUAKE Module {{ :sassi:user_interface:equakeopt.png | EQUAKE options window}} The following options allow you to specify the analysis options for ACS SASSI EQUAKE module: * **Spectrum Number** - Select the spectrum number (max. three spectra for the three translation in space can be defined). * **Spectrum Input File** - Type or select the given spectrum input file for the selected spectrum. * **Edit** - Click this button to edit the selected spectrum input file. * **Spectrum Output File** - Type or select the spectrum output file for the selected spectrum. * **Acceleration Output File** - Type or select the acceleration output file for the selected spectrum. * **Input Acceleration (not active option)** - Select this option if you want to use acceleration input files. * **Acceleration Input File (not active)** - Type or select the acceleration input file for the selected spectrum. * **Number of Frequencies** - Type the number of frequency steps for defining the given spectrum. * **Initial Random Number** - Type the initial random number. * **Damping Value** - Type the damping value for the given input spectrum. * **Time Step** - Type the time step of control motion (sec). The value is the same as set in the Analysis Options - [[sassi:user_interface:options:SITE]] dialog box. * **Total Duration** - Type total duration (sec). * **Correlated** -Select this option for correlated spectra. If this option is selected, type the time-correlation coefficients pairs in the grid. * **Spectra Title** - Type the title.