====== Command Reference ====== The commands are presented in this reference using the Backus-Naur form. Items enclosed by chevrons like must be replaced with the actual value (number or string), all other characters must be typed as they are presented. Items enclosed by brackets like [value] are optional. Many of the commands in the [[SASSI:acs-sassi_user_interface|SASSI User Interface]] are from [[SASSI:Prep|Prep]]. PREP only considered up to 4 letters in an command name while the User Interface uses the entire command name. The commands that are valid in Prep and the User Interface will have an underlined section of the command name. If a user entered the the whole instruction name or just underlined section the instruction will be interpreted properly. Any other variation will not be interpreted as a valid command. command names typed at the Command Entry line are not case sensitive. Due to differences in the between Prep and the User Interface a few commands in Prep are not supported by User Interface because they are either superfluous or cannot be supported under the new program architecture. The [[Unsupported Commands]] table can be found in the link. This only will effect custom *.pre file because the unsupported commands were never used during the use of the [[com:write| WRITE command]]. ====== Prep and SASSI User Interface Commands ====== ===== General Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:ACCIN]] | Sets the acceleration time history input file for ACS SASSI EQUAKE module. | | [[com:ACCOUT]] | Sets the acceleration time history output file for ACS SASSI EQUAKE module. | | [[com:AFWRITE]] | Writes the analysis files. | | [[com:AMP]] | Defines spectral amplification ratios for ACS SASSI HOUSE module. | | [[com:ANALYS]] | Defines analysis options for ACS SASSI ANALYS module. | | [[com:AOPT]] | Sets options for AFWRITE and CHECK. | | [[com:CHECK]] | Checks data. | | [[com:CORR]] | Sets spectra correlation values for ACS SASSI EQUAKE module. | | [[com:DAMP]] | Adds / resets damping ratios for RS analysis. | | [[com:DYNP]] | Defines data for dynamic soil properties. | | [[com:EOUT]] | Adds element output request for ACS SASSI STRESS module. | | [[com:EQTIT]] | Defines spectra title for ACS SASSI EQUAKE module. | | [[com:EQUAKE]] | Defines analysis options for ACS SASSI EQUAKE module. | | [[com:FORCE]] | Defines analysis options for ACS SASSI FORCE module. | | [[com:FREQ]] | Adds / deletes frequency numbers to / from frequency set. | | [[com:HOUSE]] | Defines analysis options for ACS SASSI HOUSE module. | | [[com:INCOH]] | Defines incoherence analysis options for ACS SASSI HOUSE module. | | [[com:INP]] | Switches input to file. | | [[com:LFREQ]] | Lists frequency sets. | | [[com:ME]] | Defines input motion data for ACS SASSI HOUSE module. | | [[com:MOPT]] | Changes the model options. | | [[com:MOTION]] | Defines analysis options for ACS SASSI MOTION module. | | [[com:NOUT]] | Adds nodal output request for ACS SASSI MOTION module. | | [[com:POINT]] | Defines analysis options for ACS SASSI POINT module. | | [[com:RESUME]] | Re-loads the active model. | | [[com:RSIN]] | Sets the response spectrum input file for ACS SASSI EQUAKE module. | | [[com:RSOUT]] | Sets the response spectrum output file for ACS SASSI EQUAKE module. | | [[com:SACC]] | Sets the acceleration output options for ACS SASSI SOIL module. | | [[com:SAVE]] | Saves active model. | | [[com:SFOU]] | Sets the Fourier spectrum output options for ACS SASSI SOIL module. | | [[com:SITE]] | Defines analysis options for ACS SASSI SITE module. | | [[com:SOIL]] | Defines analysis options for ACS SASSI SOIL module. | | [[com:SPRO]] | Defines soil profile data for ACS SASSI SOIL module. | | [[com:SRS]] | Sets the response spectrum output options for ACS SASSI SOIL module. | | [[com:SSAF]] | Sets the spectral amplification factor output options for ACS SASSI SOIL module. | | [[com:SSTR]] | Sets the stresses and strains output options for ACS SASSI SOIL module. | | [[com:STATUS]] | Lists general information. | | [[com:STRESS]] | Defines analysis options for ACS SASSI STRESS module. | | [[com:SYMM]] | Sets information for symmetry / anti-symmetry plane / line | | [[com:THFILE]] | Sets acceleration time history file. | | [[com:THTIT]] | Sets title for acceleration time history. | | [[com:TPSD]] | Use the Target PSD functionality of ACS SASSI EQUAKE | | [[com:TIT]] | Sets the model title. | | [[com:TOPL]] | Adds / deletes top layers for ACS SASSI SITE module. | | [[com:WAVE]] | Defines wave information for ACS SASSI SITE module. | | [[com:WPASS]] | Defines wave passage data for ACS SASSI HOUSE module. | | [[com:WRITE]] | Writes model data to an input file. | | [[com:RELD]] | Writes Relative Displacement Options | | [[com:RELFILE]] | Writes the Relative Displacement Reference File. | | [[com:RDND]] | Write a node to the Relative Displacement Output Node List | ===== Node Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:CSYS]] | Activates a coordinate system. | | [[com:D]] | Sets boundary conditions. | | [[com:FILL]] | Generates a node line. | | [[com:GLOBAL]] | Transforms nodes into the global coordinate system. | | [[com:INT]] | Sets interaction, interface, intermediate, or internal nodes. | | [[com:INTLIST]] | Lists interaction, interface, intermediate, or internal nodes. | | [[com:LMOVE]] | Generates a node list by translation. | | [[com:LOC]] | Defines a local coordinate system with Euler angles. | | [[com:LOCAL]] | Defines a local coordinate system with nodes. | | [[com:N]] | Defines a node. | | [[com:NDEL]] | Deletes nodes. | | [[com:NGEN]] | Generates nodes by copying a node pattern. | | [[com:NLIST]] | Lists nodes. | | [[com:NMED]] | Defines a node with average coordinates. | | [[com:NMOVE]] | Generates a node list by scaling. | | [[com:NSCALE]] | Scales nodal coordinates. | | [[com:SDEL]] | Deletes coordinate systems. | | [[com:SLIST]] | Lists coordinate systems. | ===== Element Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:DELL]] | Deletes soil layers. | | [[com:DELM]] | Deletes materials. | | [[com:DELR]] | Deletes real properties. | | [[com:DELSC]] | Deletes spring properties. | | [[com:E]] | Defines an element. | | [[com:ECOMPR]] | Compresses elements. | | [[com:EDEL]] | Deletes elements. | | [[com:EGEN]] | Generates elements by translation | | [[com:EINT]] | Sets integration order for SOLID elements. | | [[com:ELIST]] | Lists elements. | | [[com:ETYPE]] | Sets type for SOLID, PLANE, or LOVEWAVE elements. | | [[com:GDEL]] | Deletes groups. | | [[com:GLIST]] | Lists groups. | | [[com:GROUP]] | Creates or activates a group. | | [[com:GTIT]] | Sets group title | | [[com:KI]] | Defines end release code in node I of BEAMS elements. | | [[com:KJ]] | Defines end release code in node J of BEAMS elements. | | [[com:L]] | Defines a soil layer. | | [[com:LLIST]] | Lists soil layers. | | [[com:M]] | Defines a material. | | [[com:MACT]] | Sets active material / soil layer index. | | [[com:MLIST]] | Lists materials. | | [[com:MSET]] | Sets element material / soil layer index. | | [[com:MXDEL]] | Delete matrix properties. | | [[com:MXI]] | Set terms for matrix property - imaginary part of stiffness matrix. | | [[com:MXLIST]] | List matrix property. | | [[com:MXM]] | Set terms for matrix property - mass / weight matrix. | | [[com:MXR]] | Set terms for matrix property - real part of stiffness matrix. | | [[com:R]] | Defines a real property. | | [[com:RACT]] | Sets active real / spring / matrix property index. | | [[com:RLIST]] | Lists real properties. | | [[com:RSET]] | Sets element real / spring / matrix property index | | [[com:SC]] | Defines a spring property. | | [[com:SCLIST]] | Lists spring properties. | | [[com:THICK]] | Sets thickness for SHELL elements. | ===== Load Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:F]] | Defines a force. | | [[com:FDEL]] | Deletes forces. | | [[com:FLIST]] | Lists forces. | | [[com:FSCALE]] | Scales forces. | | [[com:MM]] | Defines a moment. | | [[com:MMDEL]] | Deletes moments. | | [[com:MMLIST]] | Lists moments. | | [[com:MR]] | Defines a rotational mass. | | [[com:MRGEN]] | Generates rotational masses by translation. | | [[com:MRDEL]] | Deletes rotational masses. | | [[com:MRSCALE]] | Scales rotational masses. | | [[com:MSCALE]] | Scales moments. | | [[com:MT]] | Defines a translational mass. | | [[com:MTDEL]] | Deletes translational masses. | | [[com:MTGEN]] | Generate translational masses by translation. | | [[com:MTLIST]] | Lists translational and rotational masses. | | [[com:MTSCALE]] | Scales translational masses. | | [[com:MUNITS]] | Sets units for translational and rotational masses. | ====== SASSI User Interface Commands ====== ===== General Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:ACTM]] | Change the Active model | | [[com:AFWRBAT]] | Split the model frequency set to run on multiple systems | | [[com:CONDMAP]] | Create a map between the interaction nodes and structural nodes in the model | | [[com:CPMODEL]] | copy the active model to another model | | [[com:CRITFREQ]] | Find frequencies where a TFI and TFU differ by a user specified tolerance| | [[com:DISPFILELIST]] | Create File List for uplift analysis | | [[com:DMODEL]] | Delete a model from User Interface memory | | [[com:FRAMECOMBIN]] | Combine Frames into a new frame file | | [[com:FRAMESEL]] | Select frames numbers based on local maximums from an acceleration file| | [[com:GETENV]] | Show the environment variables setting for the fast solver modules | | [[com:GLB2LOC]] | Transform a global node to a local coordinate system | | [[com:GRAVITY]] | Sets Gravity value for the model | | [[com:GROUNDELEV]] | Sets Ground Elevation for the model | | [[com:GROUPMAT]] | Sets a material for each group | | [[com:MDL]] | Change the Model name and path for uses with save, resume and afwrite | | [[com:MDLNAME]] | Change the Model Name without changing the path or model title | | [[com:MODELLIST]] | Show the models that have been defined and there names | | [[com:RADIUS]] | Write a radius for non uniform soil | | [[com:REDUCEINT]] | Reduce the number of interaction nodes in the model | | [[com:RELBIN]] | Afwrite options for the binary RELDISP module input | | [[com:SETENV]] | Set the environment variables for the fast solver modules | | [[com:TPSD]] | Target PSD command | ===== Model Checking Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:EXCSTRCHK]] | Check the excavation and structure for shared nodes | | [[com:FIXEDINT]] | Find Fixed interaction Nodes | | [[com:FREESPRING]] | Find Free Spring Nodes | | [[com:HINGED]] | Check model for possible hinged connections | | [[com:INTCOUNT]] | display a count of interaction nodes | | [[com:KINT]] | Find K node that are interaction nodes | | [[com:USED]] | Check and fix Unused nodes | ===== Model Generation & Combination Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:EXCAV]] | Create an Excavation volume for a model | | [[com:MERGE]] | Merge 2 models | | [[com:MERGEGROUP]] | Merge 2 groups together | | [[com:MERGESOIL]] | Merge a Structural Model With a Matching Soil | | [[com:ROTATE]] | Rotate the model around a point | | [[com:SOILCONTACT]] | Adds 2 plane groups along the interface of the excavation volume | | [[com:SOILMESH]] | Create a soil mesh for the active model | | [[com:TRANSLATE]] | Move all nodes in a model a fixed distance | | [[com:WELD]] | Combine nodes that share the same location | ===== Model Optimization Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:ETYPEGEN]] | Modify the element types for the models | | [[com:FIXSLDROT]] | Fix the solid rotations in a model | | [[com:FIXSHLROT]] | Fix the shell rotations in a model | | [[com:FIXSPRROT]] | Fix the spring rotations in a model | | [[com:FIXROT]] | Fix the rotations in a model | | [[com:FIXSYMM]] | Fix the boundary conditions of node on the symmetric plane | | [[com:GCOM]] | Compress group numbers | | [[com:INTGEN]] | generate interaction node if embeddment is explicitly defined | | [[com:NCOM]] | Compress Node Numbers in a Model | | [[com:RMVUNUSED]] | Remove Unused nodes from the model | ===== Cut & Submodeling Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:CSECT]] | create a cross sectional model | | [[com:CUT2SUB]] | Transfer Elements in a cut to another model | | [[com:CUTADD]] | Add elements from a group to a cut | | [[com:CUTCLR]] | Clear a cut in memory | | [[com:CUTRMV]] | Remove elements from a cut | | [[com:CUTVOL]] | Add elements in a volume to a cut | | [[com:EXTRACTEXCAV]] | Make a submodel of the excavation volume | | [[com:SLICE]] | Add elements to a cut that lie along a plane | | [[com:SPLITGROUP]]| Split a group into 2 different groups | | [[com:TRANELEM]] | Transfer a list of element in the current model to another model | | [[com:TRANVOL]] | Transfer all elements in a volume to another model | ===== File Conversion Commands ===== ^ Command ^Action ^ | [[com:ANSYS]] | Write model to ANSYS(r) input format | | [[com:ANSYSMODELTYPE]] | Change the model type for the Advanced ANSYS(r) option | | [[com:ANSYSREFORMAT]] | Reformat the beam groups to work better for ANSYS(r) write | | [[com:CONVERT]] | Use one of the file converters to translate a file | | [[com:FRMTXTSEL]] | Create Frames.txt for STRESS or *_rdi.frm for RELDISP modules | | [[com:NASCRITFRM]] | Find the critical frame from a single time history and store the results in variable lists | | [[com:NASCRITRPT]] | Output the results of NASCRITFRM to a file | | [[com:NASFRMCOMBIN]] | Utility to combine frame data written in the NASTRAN frame format | | [[com:MODFRAMES]] | Modify legacy frames files for the new frame format | ===== Module Commands ===== ^ Command ^Action ^ | [[com:MODULE]] | Show/Change module location strings | | [[com:RUNANALYS]] | Run the ANALYS module in the User Interface | | [[com:RUNCOMBIN]] | Run the COMBIN module in the User Interface | | [[com:RUNEQUAKE]] | Run the EQUAKE module in the User Interface | | [[com:RUNFORCE]] | Run the FORCE module in the User Interface | | [[com:RUNHOUSE]] | Run the HOUSE module in the User Interface | | [[com:RUNMOTION]] | Run the MOTION module in the User Interface | | [[com:RUNPOINT]] | Run the POINT module in the User Interface | | [[com:RUNRELDISP]] | Run the RELDISP module in the User Interface | | [[com:RUNSITE]] | Run the SITE module in the User Interface | | [[com:RUNSOIL]] | Run the SOIL module in the User Interface | | [[com:RUNSTRESS]] | Run the STRESS module in the User Interface | ===== Calculation Commands ===== ^ Command ^Action ^ | [[com:CALCC]] | Calculate the center of area for the model | | [[com:CALCSECTHIST]] | Calculate the Stress history of a cross section based on multiple files | | [[com:CALCSECTHISTDB]] | Calculate the stress history of a cross section using the data from the binary stress database | | [[com:CALCM]] | Calculate the mass of the object | | [[com:CALCMOI]] | Calculate the Moment of inertia | | [[com:CALCPAR]] | Calculate all ODF the parameters for a cross-section | | [[com:READSTR]] | Read a .ess Stress file and apply it to the model | | [[com:SECDATAOPT]] | Set the output request in stress for section cut data | | [[com:SHEAR]] | Calculate ultimate shear for a nonlinear panel | ===== Plot Commands ===== ^ Command ^Action ^ | [[com:ADDITION]] | Add line together and store it | | [[com:AVERAGE]] | Calculate the average of a group of line and store in a line | | [[com:AXES]] | Change the axes in a 2d model plot | | [[com:BROADEN]] | Broaden Selected line and stave results to selected line | | [[com:BUBBLEPLOT]] | Plot Bubble (ZPA) for the model | | [[com:CAPTUREPLOT]] | Screen capture of the current plot | | [[com:CLOSEPLOT]] | Close the current plot | | [[com:CNGCENTER]] | Change the center of rotation for the 3d model plot | | [[com:CNGVIEW]] | Change the view of the current 3d model plot | | [[com:COLOR]] | Change the color in the color list | | [[com:CONTOURPLOT]] | Plot a 3d Contour plot | | [[com:CUTPLOT]] | Plot the 3d model with what elements are in the cut | | [[com:DEBUG]] | Display 3d debug text to the screen | | [[com:DEFORMPLOT]] | plot a 3d deformed shape plot | | [[com:ELECOLOR]] | Change Element Color in Element Model Plot| | [[com:ELENUM]] | Show/Hide element numbers in the active plot | | [[com:GROUPNUM]] | Show/Hide group numbers in active plot | | [[com:LBINCORS]]| Calculate the Lower Bound Incoherent Response Spectra | | [[com:LAYERPLOT]] | Plot a 2d cross section of the models soil layers | | [[com:LINECOMBIN]] | Linearly combine a set of lines with scalars | | [[com:LINENAME]] | Change the name of a line in memory | | [[com:MARKERS]] | Add markers to a line | | [[com:MODELPLOT]] | Plot a 3d model plot | | [[com:NODENUM]] | Show/Hide node numbers in active plot | | [[com:NODEPLOT]] | Plot a 3d node plot | | [[com:NODESEL]] | Select a node on a 3d plot | | [[com:PLOTRANGE]] | Change the range of the axes on a 2d plot | | [[com:PLOTTITLE]] | Change the title of a plot | | [[com:PROCFRAME]] | Process the frame animation files | | [[com:READSPEC]] | Read a spectrum file | | [[com:READTH]] | Read a File in the Time history format | | [[com:RSTCENTER]] | Reset the Center to Default | | [[com:RSTVIEW]] | Reset the View to Default | | [[com:SHADEROPTIONS]] | Change the shader options for the current plot | | [[com:SHOWDOF]] | Show the fixed degrees of freedom in some 3D plots | | [[com:SHOWMASS]] | Show the lumped masses in some 3D plots | | [[com:SHRINK]] | Shrink the elements in the Element Plot | | [[com:SOILPROPPLOT]] | Create a 2d soil property plot | | [[com:SPECPLOT]] | Plot a spectrum plot | | [[com:SRSS]] | Combine lines using srss | | [[com:STIPPLE]] | Stipple line in a plot for Black and white printing | | [[com:SUBTRACTION]] | Subtract lines and store into another line | | [[com:THPLOT]] | Create a 2d time history plot | | [[com:VECTORPLOT]] | Plot a 3d vector plot with the current model | | [[com:WINDOWSETTINGS]] | Change the Windows Setting for the current plot | | [[com:WIREFRAME]]| Show the wireframe of the Element Plot | | [[com:WRITESPEC]] | Write a line in the spectrum file format | | [[com:WRITETH]] | Write a line in the time history file format | | [[com:XTITLE]] | Change the X axis title for a 2D graph | | [[com:YTITLE]] | Change the left side Y axis title for a 2D graph | | [[com:YTITLE2]] | Change the right side Y axis title for a 2D graph | ===== Programming Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:ADDRND]] | Append random numbers to the end of a variable | | [[com:CD]] | Change the working directory | | [[com:FOREACH]] | Loop on a variable | | [[com:LOADMACRO]] | Load a Macro pre file | | [[com:LOADVAR]] | Load a Variable from a file | | [[com:MACRO]] | Use a Macro | | [[com:MACROLIST]] | Show all macro names currently in User Interface memory | | [[com:MKDIR]] | Make a new directory| | [[com:REDUCESET]] | Sort variable contents and remove duplicate entries | | [[com:RND]] | fill a variable with random numbers | | [[com:RNDSEED]] | Seed the random number generator | | [[com:SETVAR]] | Set Variables | | [[com:SHOWVAR]] | Show contents of a variable | | [[com:VAR]] | Create a variable | | [[com:VARAVE]] | Calculate the variable data elements | | [[com:VARLIST]] | Show all variable and variable contents currently in User Interface memory | ===== Water Modeling Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:FILLPOOL]] | Fill a shell or solid pool with water solids | | [[com:REFINEMODEL]] | Subdivide all Shell and solid elements in a model| | [[com:LISTPOOLINTER]] | List the interface nodes of a pool in the original model | ===== Nonlinear & Panel Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:B]] | Nonlinear Beam Definition | | [[com:BBC]] | Load Backbone curve by file | | [[com:BBCGEN]]| generate Backbone curves based on panel definition | | [[com:BBCI]] | Backbone curve information definition | | [[com:BBCP]] | Backbone curve point information | | [[com:BBCX]] | Backbone curve X component definition | | [[com:BBCY]] | Backbone curve Y component definition | | [[com:BEAMPILE]] | Modify a model with beam element pile | | [[com:DCOUPLEBEAM]] | Add Springs at beam intersections | | [[com:DGRDFLR]] | Scale young's modulus for z-parallel shell materials | | [[com:DELBBC]] | Delete Backbone Curves | | [[com:DELBM]] | Delete Nonlinear Beam | | [[com:DELNLS]] | Delete Nonlinear Soil Layers | | [[com:DELSPR]] | Delete Non Linear Spring | | [[com:EDGE]] | Panel Splitting base on edge detection | | [[com:EDGEMODEL]] | Apply edge command to all wall panels | | [[com:EQL]] | Nonlinear analysis options | | [[com:EXTRACTCUTS]] | auto generate cuts and cross sections for all defined panels in the model | | [[com:MERGEPANEL]] | Merge a Panel Model to the Solids and beams of the original model | | [[com:NLSLAYER]] | Add a nonlinear soil layer definition | | [[com:NLSOIL]] | Set Parameters for the nonlinear soil option | | [[com:NONLINBAT]] | Create a Generic Nonlinear Batch Run | | [[com:NONLINMOTDISP]] | Find panel edge node and add them to the MOTION and RELDISP output request | | [[com:P]] | Add a panel to the active model | | [[com:PANELIZE]] | Separate Shells in the model into Panels | | [[com:PDEL]] | Delete panel(s) from the active model | | [[com:PLIST]] | List or check panel(s) in the active model | | [[com:PNLGEN]] | Generate panels for every group perpendicular to the ground surface | | [[com:S]] | Nonlinear Spring definition command | | [[com:SEGWALLS]] | Split walls at intersections with other walls | | [[com:SOILREDEF]] | Transfer nonuniform soil layering from 2d model to 3d model | | [[com:SOILINTER]] | Transfer interaction area to 2d model | | [[com:SOLIDPILE]] | reconnect the pile interface to the rest of the model with springs | | [[com:SPLITWALLS]] | Split walls at intersections with floors | | [[com:UNIPANEL]]| Create Unique element panel groups | | [[com:WALLFLR]] | Separate Shells Walls and Floors int to Separate Groups | ===== Binary Database Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:ACCDBANI]] | Creates a animation from the acceleration binary database in memory | | [[com:ACCDBTHFILE]] | Write ASCII time history files from the binary ACC database | | [[com:BINFRAMEOUT]] | Write frame files from a database | | [[com:BINOUT]] | output flags for binary files | | [[com:BINSTRTBL]] | Output selected stresses from a group in an ACSII CSV format | | [[com:COMBACCDB]] | Combine three databases acc binary format | | [[com:COMBDISPDB]] | Combine three databases int the disp/acc binary format| | [[com:COMBDISPDIR]] | Combine three displacement component binary files into a complete displacement database | | [[com:COMBTHSDB]] | combine stress binary database from file | | [[com:DELDB]] | Delete a database from User Interface Memory | | [[com:DISPDBANI]] | Creates a animation from the displacement binary database in memory | | [[com:DISPDBTHFILE]] | Write ASCII time history files from the binary Displacement database | | [[com:LOADACCDB]] | Load a acceleration binary database from file | | [[com:LOADDISPDB]] | Load a displacement binary database from file | | [[com:LOADTFSDB]] | Load a stress transfer function binary database from file | | [[com:LOADTHSDB]] | Load a stress time history binary database from file | | [[com:MAXDBFRAME]] | create a frame with the global maximum for all components | | [[com:TFSDBANI]] | Creates a animation from the stress transfer function binary database in memory | | [[com:TFSDBTHFILE]] | Write ASCII transfer funcion files from the binary stress database | | [[com:THSDBANI]] | Creates a animation from the stress binary database in memory | | [[com:THSDBTHFILE]] | Write ASCII time history files from the binary stress database | ===== Thick Shell Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:CTRAVETBL]] | Average output tables from CTRCCV or CTRVEC | | [[com:CTRCCV]] | Apply cylindrical coordinate transformation to binary stress data | | [[com:CTRVEC]] | Apply Cartesian coordinate transformation to binary stress data | | [[com:THSHLSMH]] | Average components of the TSHELL stress | | [[com:THSHLSTR]] | Face Strain/Stress for TSHELLS | ===== HVD Element Commands ===== ^Command ^Action ^ | [[com:HVDBAT]] | Write HVD batch files for simulation | | [[com:HVDCEDEL]] | Delete HVD equation value set | | [[com:HVDCEQ]] | Add HVD C equation value set | | [[com:HVDCELST]] | List the HVD Equation value sets in the User interface |