====== MODULE Command ====== MODULE,[mode],,[path] This command allow the user to view/modify any module path string from the command line * mode - View/Modify * 0 - View module path.(default) * 1 - Modify module path * mod - Module selection. Users can use either the string or the integer listed below to select which module path is to be viewed or modified * EQUAKE/1 * SOIL/2 * LIQUEF/3 * SITE/4 * POINT/5 * HOUSE/6 * PINT/7 * FORCE/8 * ANALYS/9 * COMBIN/10 * MOTION/11 * STRESS/12 * BATCH/13 * RELDISP/14 * LOADGEN/15 * NONLINEAR/16 * SSIANSYS/17 * NONUNISOIL/18 * path - new path string for the module. This argument is only used in modify mode and ignored otherwise.