====== E Command ====== E,,,,..., defines the element number and element nodes , ... (the total node number changes from one group type to another). An element group must be active; element numbers start with 1 for each element group. Prisms and pyramids may be obtained by repeating node numbers. {{ E_Fig1.png | Figure .1. Node Numbering for SOLID elements}}\\ For SHELL, PLANE, or LOVEWAVE triangular elements, do not define node L. See [[com:GROUP]] for further information. {{ E_Fig2.png | Figure .2. Node Numbering for 2D elements}}\\ The nodes I, J, K, L must be in sequence in a counter-clockwise direction around the element. Local coordinates in a four-node SHELL, PLANE, or LOVEWAVE element are shown below: * x’ - specified by LI-JK, where LI and JK are midpoints of sides L-I and J-K. * z’ - normal to x’ and to the line adjoining midpoints IJ and KL. * y’ - normal to x’ and z’ to complete the right-handed system used to compute the resultant forces. {{ E_Fig3.png |Figure .3. Node numbering and loval coordinate system for SHELL, PLANE, or LOVEWAVE elements}}\\ Node K from the BEAMS elements is a geometry reference point which is used to define the local axes 1, 2, 3 of the beam element. Node K, which may be any other nodal point in the system, must not lie on the local axis 1: {{ E_Fig4.png |Figure .4. Local coordinate system for BEAMS elements}}\\