====== ANALYS Command ====== __ANAL__YS,,,,,,,,, ,,,[simul],[ffr] defines the following analysis options for ACS SASSI [[SASSI:ANALYS]] module: * opmode - operation mode * 0 - complete solution * 1 - data check only * type - analysis type * 0 - seismic * 1 - foundation vibration * mode - analysis mode * 0 - initiation * 1 - new structure * 2 - new seismic environment * 3 - new dynamic loading * save - file save option * 0 - do not analysis restart files * 1 - save analysis restart files * prnt - print option for transfer functions * 0 - print complex transfer function * 1 - print transfer function amplitude only * fopt - frequency option * 0 - take frequencies from frequency set * 1 - take frequencies from File1 (or File9) * ang - coordinate transformation angle * xc - x-coordinate of control point * yc - y-coordinate of control point * zc - z-coordinate of control point * impe - calculation mode for the global impedances of the foundation * 0 - no calculations * 1 - calculate the global impedances and then obtain the transfer functions for the seismic SSI system * 2 - calculate the global impedances and stop * simul - number of simultaneous cases to be simulated. (default = 0) * ffr - Free Field Randomization * 0 - Load (default) * 1 - Motion Note: This instruction is provided for input files. To set the analysis options for the ACS SASSI [[SASSI:ANALYS]] module from the ACS SASSI [[SASSI:PREP]] and [[SASSI:acs-sassi_user_interface|ACS-SASSI User Interface]], use the Options / Analysis command.